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Find out more about some of the incredible brands we've designed here. 

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Visando agregar ainda mais valor ao seu negócio, a Semírames nos procurou para desenvolvermos uma Identidade marcante, exclusiva, que a destaque no mercado e a permita desenvolver os seus próprios produtos estéticos no futuro.

Nada mais justo do que dizer que uma palavra que resume muito bem a Empresária, é o cuidar e foi exatamente esse cuidado que nos permitiu desenvolver um projeto incrível, cheio de personalidade e carinho.

Pensando no fato de que linhas curvas trazem feminilidade e linhas retas trazem modernidade e elegância, utilizamos as iniciais da Semí, o "S" e o "L", para desenvolver a simbologia do projeto.


Larissa Gabriela

A Lari é uma arquiteta e designer de interiores queridíssima, que não projeta lares, mas sonhos. Construtora de realizações, ela vê a arquitetura como arte e como meio de desenvolver lares saudáveis, modernos e aconchegantes.

Inspirada pelo estilo rústico, praiano e moderno, o seu objetivo é projetar ambientes funcionais e equilibrados, para gerar pessoas também equilibradas e emocionalmente saudáveis.

A sua Identidade foi toda pensada para transmitir, essencialmente, empatia, acessibilidade, sutileza e criatividade.


Gleibson Cardoso

Gleibson Cardoso is a professional of excellence, who works as a professor of physics andNow, also as a pedagogical advisor for schools that wish to innovate their teaching and energize the teacher-student relationship.

The objective of the project was exactly to transmit energy and movement and align them with elements that reference the discipline.

The result was a project strategically designed to be beautiful and extremely professional. Oh, and of course,approved the first time!

Gleibson Cardoso

Gleibson Cardoso is a professional of excellence, who works as a professor of physics andNow, also as a pedagogical advisor for schools that wish to innovate their teaching and energize the teacher-student relationship.

The objective of the project was exactly to transmit energy and movement and align them with elements that reference the discipline.

The result was a project strategically designed to be beautiful and extremely professional. Oh, and of course,approved the first time!

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do      good

Doing well is a social action project with volunteers, aimed at helping residents of needy communities in the city of João Pessoa - PB.

The initiative was founded by Nathyelle, who has always been in this voluntary environment and now, decided to make what she did even more human, expanding the project and allowing other people to also be able to do good, regardless of who.

As much as the initiative, the development of this project was also voluntary,not having any profit purpose.



Vida e Finitude is a growing company managed by Aparecida Galvão, a psychology student who is specializing in suicidology and who is also passionate about coffee.

Valuing the mental well-being of its patients, one of the Company's main objectives was to convey a feeling of security, calm, relaxation and warmth, as the patient needs to feel comfortable enough to open up to the professional.

Aligning the love for coffee, the transformation caused in patients' lives and the life cycle, we created a project that managed to reflect the entire personality and each of the Company's characteristics.

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Adriana Taveira

Adriana Taveira is a real estate broker who works in Rio de Janeiro, and has been responsible for taking hundreds of dreams off the ground for 4 years. 

Valuing ethics and respect for the customer, the Company's main objective is to achieve goals through commitment.

As we operate in Cidade Maravilhosa, we could not fail to use it in our project, without giving up, of course, the essence of the professional behind the Company. 

Therefore, we were inspired by the city-state's main tourist attractions and the Company's initials when developing the project.


Ronaldo Nascimento

Ronaldo is a property consultant who has been transforming lives for over 7 years and making the dream of owning a home come true through subscriptions. 

As our audience is men and women from all social classes, one of our main objectives was to create a simple, easy-to-understand project that still contained the entire personality of the Company.

For the development of the project, we chose to follow a more serious, mature and elegant line, as the Company also wishes to reach an audience with a higher social status.


Priscilla Teles

Priscilla Teles is a Lash Designer who has been helping other women to feel happiness through their eyes for about a year.


Focused on female audiences over 18 years of age from the Middle and Upper Class, the Company aims to convey the joy caused by the transformation of eyelash extensions and add a touch of elegance, sophistication and professionalism, without mentioning, of course, femininity.


Starting from the principle that the different types of stretching are done by joining several strands, we use their union and the hair bulb as the main focus of the project.

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Joyce Hoffman

A Joyce Hoffman é uma social media, especialista no desenvolvimento de estratégias para Instituições Governamentais.


Tendo como maior foco o atendimento humanizado e a conexão com os seus clientes, a Joyce deseja continuar transformando a vida de cada um que já passou por ela, trazendo reconhecimento para as instituições e fazendo com que outras pessoas abracem suas causas.

o nosso objetivo foi trazer e trabalhar uma tipografia criativa e divertida para o projeto, de forma que ela sozinha, traduzisse toda a personalidade da Empresa. O que fizemos foi ajustá-la de modo único e original e adicionar uma pitada de diversão, feminilidade e união.

Laís Nass

A Laís é líder, é humana, é visionária e é exatamente essa visão que a fez chegar aqui hoje. O objetivo desse rebranding é transmitir a essência, personalidade e evolução da La e claro, alcançar o seu público alto padrão.

Para isso, utilizamos elementos já contidos na Identidade anterior, para trazer uma nova Identidade que transmitisse essa evolução da Laís, como pessoa e como marca.

Ela já utilizava a borboleta anteriormente e gostaria de manter esse símbolo, mas refina-lo e moderniza-lo. através de uma simbologia única, impecável e transformadora!


Gleibson Cardoso

Gleibson Cardoso is a professional of excellence, who works as a professor of physics andNow, also as a pedagogical advisor for schools that wish to innovate their teaching and energize the teacher-student relationship.

The objective of the project was exactly to transmit energy and movement and align them with elements that reference the discipline.

The result was a project strategically designed to be beautiful and extremely professional. Oh, and of course,approved the first time!


Gleibson Cardoso

Gleibson Cardoso is a professional of excellence, who works as a professor of physics andNow, also as a pedagogical advisor for schools that wish to innovate their teaching and energize the teacher-student relationship.

The objective of the project was exactly to transmit energy and movement and align them with elements that reference the discipline.

The result was a project strategically designed to be beautiful and extremely professional. Oh, and of course,approved the first time!

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This project was created in partnership, being directed by Mayumi Carvalho and designed bySthela Rivillyn.

MADAM is a women's clothing brand, designed for women who value sophisticated, elegant and daring pieces.

With non-standard clothing, the brand's objective is to value what is best in women: sensuality.

With the aim of creating a timeless and sophisticated project, we combined the brand's characteristics to design an exclusive and bold typography, with straight and minimalist lines, bringing an aspect of seriousness, elegance and relevance to the Company.

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Gleibson Cardoso

Gleibson Cardoso is a professional of excellence, who works as a professor of physics andNow, also as a pedagogical advisor for schools that wish to innovate their teaching and energize the teacher-student relationship.

The objective of the project was exactly to transmit energy and movement and align them with elements that reference the discipline.

The result was a project strategically designed to be beautiful and extremely professional. Oh, and of course,approved the first time!


Elizabeth Gabrisch

Elizabeth Gabrisch is a massage professional who has been transforming lives through touch for 20 years.

The Company works with self-acceptance and self-love, helping hundreds of people to release blocks and traumas related to the violation of the body.

As she is an extremely careful professional and a highly affectionate person, we could not leave such affection aside for the creation of the project. Therefore, we were inspired by the shape of the heart, to bring the Company’s symbols to life.

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This project was developed for study purposes and is therefore fictitious.

Ellen Andressa

Ellen Andressa is a beautician specializing in facial aesthetics, who has been working in the area for 2 years and is passionate about roses.

Coincidentally, the rose is associated with beauty, femininity and perfection, therefore, it was used as a focus in the development of the project.

Bringing femininity even more to the fore, we created unique, handmade and delicate symbolism, inspired by the Company's initial letter.



Arla Oliveira

Arla Oliveira is an eyebrow specialist who has been known for renewing her clients' self-esteem for around 4 years.


One of its biggest goals is to be a reference in micropigmentation, especially in courses offered to professionals who wish to specialize in the area.

Having in mind a modern, feminine project that could convey the Company's entire personality, we invested in minimalist elements, created based on the Businesswoman's name.


Elene Gessy

Elene Gessy is an entrepreneur who since 2018 has been bringing joy to families who love to party. 


Aiming for the future of the Company, it is inspired by elegant and sophisticated brands, therefore, we brought this sophistication to the project with the use of gold and variations and added minimalist elements in the symbology, using the Businesswoman's initial for the creation.

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